+91 80 23378354 / 23377126
Conversion Chart
Percent Parts per Million Parts per Billion Parts per Trillion
.001% = 10 ppm =
.0001% = 1 ppm = 1,000 ppb = 1,000,000 ppt
.00001% = .1 ppm = 100 ppb = 100,000 ppt
.000001% = .01 ppm = 10 ppb = 10,000 ppt
.001 ppm = 1 ppb = 1,000 ppt
.0001 ppm = 1 ppb = 100 ppt
.01 ppb = 10 ppt
.001 ppb = 1 ppt


Prefix Factor Fraction
centi 10–2 1/100 (part per hundred)
milli 10–3 1/1,000 (part per thousand)
micro 10–6 1/1,000,000 (ppm, part per million)
nano 10–9 1/1,000,000,000 (ppb, part per billion)
pico 10–12 1/1,000,000,000,000 (ppt, part per trillion)
femto 10–15 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 (ppq, part per quadrillion)
atto 10–18 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (part per quintillion)


Large sieve opening (1 to 1/4 inch) have been designated a sieve "mesh" size that corresponds to the size of the opening in inches.
Sieve "mesh" sizes of 31/2 and higher are designated by the number of openings per linear inch in the sieve.

Special conventions apply to particle sizing by mesh designation. A "+" before the sieve mesh indicates that all particles are too large to pass through the sieve; a "–" denotes complete passage of material through the sieve. For example, the particle size of a material may be described as –4 +40 mesh, meaning the material goes through a 4-mesh sieve (particles are smaller than 4.76 mm) but remain on the 40-mesh sieve (particles are larger than 0.420 mm).

Note: To convert millimeters to microns, move decimal point three places to the right. Example: 0.125 millimeters converts to 125 microns.

°C to °F °F to °C
(°C x 9/5) + 32 = °F (°F–32) x 5/9 = °C
 From / To g kg M.Ton grain oz lb
 g 1 0.001 1 x 10–6 15.43 0.03527 0.00220
 kg 1000 1 0.001 1.54 x 104 35.27 2.205
 Metric Ton 1 x 106 1000 1 1.54 x 107 3.53 x 104  2205
 grain 6.48 x 10–2 6.48 x 10–5 6.48 x 10–5 1 2.29 x 10–3 1.43 x 10–4
 oz 28.35 0.02835 2.83 x 10–5 437.5 1 0.06250
 lb 453.6 0.4536 4.54 x 104 7000 16 1
To convert from a unit shown in the left column, multiply by the factor listed in the column for the desired unit.
VOLUME CONVERSION TABLE (metric and U.S. Iiquid measures)
cm>3 liter m3 in3 ft3 yd3 fl oz fl pt fl qt gal
 cm3 1 0.001 1x10–6 0.06102 3.53x10
0.03381 0.00211 0.00106 2.64x10
 liter 1000 1 0.001 61.02 0.03532 0.00131 33.81 2.113 1.057 0.2642
 m3 1 x 106 1000 1 6.10x104 35.31 1.308 3.38x104 2113 1057 264.2
 in3 16.39 0.01639 1.64x10
1 5.79x10
0.5541 0.03463 0.01732 0.00433
 ft3 2.83x104 28.32 0.02832 1728 1 0.03704 957.5 69.84 29.92 7.481
 yd3 7.65x105 764.5 0.7646 4.67x104 27 1 2.59x104 1616 807.9 202.0
 fl oz 29.57 0.02957 2.96x10
1.805 0.00104 3.87x10
1 0.06250 0.03125 0.00781
 fl pt 473.2 0.4732 473x10
28.88 0.01671 619x10
16 1 0.6000 0.1250
 fl qt 946.4 0.9463 9.46x10
57.75 0.03342 0.00124 32 2 1 0.2500
 gal 3785 3.786 0.00379 231.0 0.1337 0.00495 128 8 4 1
To convert from a unit shown in the left column, multiply by the factor listed in the column for the desired unit.
 From/To cm m km in ft mile
 cm 1  


1 x 10–5   0.3937   0.03281   6.214 x 10–6
 m 100   1 0.001 39.37 3.281 6.214 x 10–4
 km 1 x 105 1000 1 3.94 x 104 3281 0.6214
 in 2.540 0.02540 2.540 x 10–5 1 0.08333 1.578 x10–5
 ft 30.48 0.3048 3.048 x 10–4 12 1 18.94 x 10–4
 mile 1.609 x 105 1609 1.609 6.336 x 104 5280 1
To convert from a unit shown in the left column, multiply by the factor listed in the column for the desired unit.
 From/To lit/sec gal/min ft3/sec ft3/min bbl/hr bbl/day
 lit/sec 1 15.85 2.228 x 10–3 2.119 22.66 543.8
 gal/min 6.308 x 10–2 1 3.532 x 10–2 0.1337 1.429 34.30
 ft3/sec 28.32 448.8 1 60 641.1 1.54 x 104
 ft3/min 0.4719 7.481 1.667 x 10–2 1 10.69 256.5
 bbl/hr 4.415 x 10–2 0.6997 1.56 x 10–3 9.359 x 10–2 1 24
 bbl/day 1.84 x 10–3 2.917 x 10–2 6.50 x 10–5 3.90 x 10–3 4.167 x 10–2 1
To convert from a unit shown in the left column, multiply by the factor listed in the column for the desired unit.
Factor Value
Molecular weight (ave.) of DNA base pair 649 Da
Molecular weight (ave.) of amino acid 110 Da
1 g/ml DNA 3.08 µM phosphate
1 g/ml of 1 kb DNA 3.08 nM 5’ ends
1 mol pBR322 (4363 bp) 2.83 g
1 pmol linear pBR322 5’ ends 1.4 g
1 A260 double-stranded DNA 50 µg/ml
1 A260 single-stranded DNA 37 µg/ml
1 kb DNA:  333 amino acids of coding capacity = 36,000 Da
6.5 x 105 Da of double-stranded DNA (sodium salt)
3.3 x 105 Da of single-stranded DNA (sodium salt)
3.4 x 105 Da of single-stranded RNA (sodium salt)
10 kDa protein = 91 amino acids = 273 nucleotides
Composition of concentrated reagent-grade acids, ammonium hydroxide, and sodium and potassium hydroxide solutions (with dilution directions to 1M and 1N solutions)
Chemical Formula Weight of Reagenta Approximate Density Approximate Strength of Concd. Reagentb Assay Limits % w/w Molarity of Concd. Reagent Milliliters of Concd. Reagent Necessary to Prepare 1 Liter of 1 Molar Solutionc Normality of Concd. Reagent Milliliters of Concd. Reagent Necessary to Prepare 1 Liter of 1 Normal Solutionc
Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) 60.052 1.05 99.8 99.7–99.9 17.4 57.5 17.4 57.5
Formic Acid (HCOOH) 46.026 1.13 90 88.0–92.0 23.6 42.5 23.6 42.5
Hydrochloric Acid (HCI) 36.461 1.18 37.2 36.5–38.0 12.1 82.5 12.1 82.5
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) 20.006 1.19 49 48.0–51.0 28.9 34.5 28.9 34.5
Nitric Acid (HNO3) 63.013 1.41 69.6 69.0–70.0 15.6 64 15.6 63
Perchloric Acid (HCIO4) 100.458 1.67 70.5 70.0–72.0 11.7 85.5 11.7 85.5
Perchloric Acid (HCIO4) 100.458 1.67 61.3 60.0–62.0 9.5 105.5 9.5 105.5
Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4) 97.995 1.71 85.5 85.0–87.0 14.8 67.5 44.4 22.5
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) 98.073 1.84 96 95.0–98.0 18 55.5 36 28
Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH) 35.046 0.90 56.6d 14.5 69 14.5 69
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) 39.997 1.53 50.5 50.0–52.0 19.4 51.5 19.4 51.5
Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 56.105 1.45 45 45.0–46.0 11.7 85.5 11.7 85.5
a. Based on Atomic Weight Table (32C = 12).
b. Representative value, w/w %.
c. Rounded to nearest 0.5 ml.
d. Equivalent to 28.0 % w/w NH3.
certificate of analysis

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